Juan - 0 of 2 Shares Sponsored


Place Terrazas del Valle

Age 8

Family: Mom, Alexis (older brother), Meredith (older sister), Grandma, various aunts, uncles, and cousins

Favorite Food: Pizza

Favorite Candy: All of them, but his favorite is M&M’s

Favorite Snack: Takis

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate cake

Favorite Game: Minecraft

Favorite Toy: Minecraft Legos and RC Cars

Favorite Color: Green

About: His name is Juan, but he likes to be called Juanito. He’s a very energetic kid and one of the most loving kids you will ever meet. He’s not perfect, but he tries his best every day in his schoolwork and in everything he does. He’s very social, loves to share, and loves to serve and help others!

- My Connections-

Lopez Family